When you are going through a divorce or even some other type of life changing event, you can expect to be bombarded with comments from people who will try to convince you that you are going about things all wrong. They'll say that you should act this way or not say this or believe only that. Let that go in one ear and out the other. There is no right or wrong way to travel through the quagmire of emotions surrounding a divorce. Sure there are some things to watch out for and some behaviors that are problematic - for instance wallowing in self-pity or blame for a long period of time can keep you from moving forward. But who is to say that a little bit of wallowing is bad. There is no timetable or time limit on wallowing either. I am a firm believer of letting yourself move through the emotional minefield because bottled up emotions are much more damaging than a bout of self-pity or blame.
The important thing is to surround yourself with people that LOVE you - unconditionally. Someone who will take your bad mood with a grain of salt but are quick to call you out if the pity-party goes on too long. Someone who knows that certain days of the year can be designated "blue days" without telling you that you need to get a hobby.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have rediscovered (or just now discovered) your faith, expect to be confronted by those "holier than thou" people who call themselves Christian (but you know by their own words that it's simply a title in name only). Just like the grieving process of divorce, no one's experience is the same. We are all imperfect and sinners - there is no getting around that fact. Anyone that claims otherwise is simply living in a land of delusion.
The most important thing to remember is that Jesus took our sins up on that cross with him. If you sin - confess and ask God to help you not do it again. If you have a relapse, confess and ask God to help you not do it again. I personally believe that deliberately and repeatedly committing the same sin over and over is something you will have to answer for - either on this earth or in Heaven above. BUT there is no limit on the chances God gives us. He knows our heart - you can't game Him or try to trick Him. I am quick to call myself a "messy Christian" - far from perfect but not letting my mistakes weigh down my heart or dampen my faith.
Take for instance, this comment that someone left on this blog earlier today. The system administration deletes any comment that has no name or IP address attached to it. But the comments get sent to me via email so I do get to see them.
"I am recently divorced and thought your website my bring some comfort...Boy was I wrong. I am a christian and cannot beleive how one moment you speak the words of GOD and the next, some of the most evil things are said. And suicide...yes it is painful for everyone, that is why HE is unforgiving for such actions. A true beleiver, having FAITH in HIM would not succumb to such selfish acts. I would think you would use more time praying for forgiveness for your sin and less time blaming your ex for your actions. Bitter because of divorce is one thing, CRAZY is another..."
I'm still trying to figure out what "the most evil things" I've said are. But what really un-nerved me was the remarks about God being unforgiving when it comes to an attempted suicide. You see, I believe God was the reason the suicide attempt was just that - an attempt. It was my wake up call to get back to my faith and open my heart to His love. The fact that it has been over 2 years since any attempt or even thought of suicide is a testament to His love and the power of faith.
Being called names like "crazy" doesn't bother me - Heck TheColdOne said that all the time and probably still does. Come to think of it, the entire comment sounds a lot like some of the stuff TheColdOne said to or about me or had his "friends" tell me. Hmmmm...
Anyway - don't let the judgmental self-righteous asses get you down. If you are anything like me, you have probably beaten yourself up enough to cover anything someone decides to fling at you. Just remember that God loves you - even if you are messy like me. Don't ever believe otherwise!
May God Bless You
A blog for anyone who has been hit with "I don't love you anymore" or "I don't want to be married anymore" from their spouse. Real experiences - real emotions and real information for those who have been subjected to the ultimate cruelty from someone they love.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Suicide Is Not Painless
About 9 years ago, I went through hell. There has been only 1 time since then that I've experienced something similar, but certainly not to the degree that dreadful day in May 2002. I've thought a lot about that time in my life but had pretty much blocked out the emotions and feelings I was going through when I made one of the worst decisions of my life. Today someone on the radio was talking about feeling suicidal and I had to stop what I was doing after listening to them talk. I wanted to reach through my Internet stream and hug this poor lost soul. Just wanted to tell them that I had been there too and there really was hope. Yes there is a silver lining to that dark cloud - it's not just some fairy tale. I know because I've lived through it.
The overwhelming sensation I felt that day in May was that I just could not take it anymore. You already see things in shades of black with no light, no hope on the horizon and something finally happens to make your mind snap. You see what you are doing - you know what you are doing - but you just cannot stop. All you want to do is get out - leave and never come back. There is no thought of the future - hell at that point, you feel like there is no future. Your pain and despair is so consuming that you can't think of anyone else - not your parents, your kids, nothing. All you can think of is to do something to stop the pain.
In my case it was my 2nd marriage falling apart. Same issues as the first - husband unsatisfied and on the prowl for someone else which in the case of marriage #2, he had already hooked up with someone else at least once. Forget about blaming him - I blamed myself. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I keep a husband from straying? Why was I such a failure? What did I do to cause someone who pledged to God to love me forever betray me so deeply? The overwhelming sense of despair and failure was just pushing down so hard on me that I couldn't breathe. Even now just rehashing the event makes my breathing labored and my pulse race. Until you have experience that moment - that one moment where you feel that you have nothing to live for and no reason to stay on this earth - you cannot begin to imagine the horrendous pain and desperation. I hurt all the way down into my soul.
It didn't help matters much that TheColdOne ran from the house like a coward after he dropped the "I don't love you" bombshell on me. He left me alone in the house - a house full of guns, knives etc- because he could not face my parents who were on their way to pick me up. What kind of man, or should I say "pseudo-man" does that? Unfortunately I found out later that this is how TheColdOne handles confrontations regarding his wrongdoings - run away like a big old chicken when the heat gets too hot. Throw up your hands and just walk away - shut the door and move on to the next one. Wow - what a guy. No wonder I was wife #4.
When I was alone in our bedroom, I started tearing through the drawers looking for something sharp. We were a hunting household so there was always a sharp knife nearby - except this time. I used to call it luck, but now I know it was God - this time there was only 1 old knife in the bedroom and it was extremely dull. That didn't stop me completely though. I just kept sawing away at my wrists with the dull knife trying to get the screaming in my head to stop. When blood starting seeping through the cut, it was like getting doused with ice cold water. I dropped the knife and got hysterical - what the hell was I doing?? I picked up the phone and called my best friend who just happened to be a psychiatric nurse. She deftly picked up all the clues and kept me on the line while calling 911. When the deputies arrived, the screaming pain had given way to an onslaught of mental berating for being just so stupid.
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and then spent 1 night in the psychiatric hospital. TheColdOne decided that he still loved me - at least while all my family was sitting beside him in the waiting room at the ER shooting daggers at him with their eyes. I had actually already made arrangements with my Mom to take my daughter home with her as I was planning on moving out of our house. It wasn't until TheColdOne came into the ER cubicle where I was with tears in his eyes that I decided to stay with him.
Flash forward to January 8, 2009 when TheColdOne decided once again that he didn't want to be married. This time he left me alone in the house with a loaded pistol in plain site after his announcement. Fortunately I didn't remember the pistol and took off upstairs after he left the house. It was a freakin' replay of May 2002 except this time I found a semi-sharp knife. It only took 1 slash down my arm to lay my wrist open. God was watching over me and brought pictures of my grandkids, children and parents to my eyes before I could really do any damage. The thought of hurting them was enough to wake me up from my craziness and stop what I was doing. This time I stopped the bleeding, bandaged my wrist, threw the bloody rag in the bottom of my closet and changed my shirt so the sleeves covered my wrists. I saw the pistol when I came back downstairs and hid it in the spare bedroom upstairs. There was no thought of hurting myself - just protecting myself. After all, paranoia is another fun little effect of depression.
There have been no further instances or even thoughts of suicide since that day in January. Whenever I even think about the dreadful events from May 2002, I immediately get images of my parents and my kids and how much I hurt them. To this day, that brings tears to my eyes. I remember my daughter crawling into the hospital bed with me, crying "don't leave me momma". SIGH...
I am much stronger for going through both of those trials in my life. I am still embarrassed at my weakness and at losing such utter control. But what is really sad is when someone claims that your suicide attempt was simply a stunt or attention seeking act. How in the world could any rational person think something like that? And why would they be so cruel to even utter it outloud? Especially after going through therapy with you. There are a lot of other ways to get attention that don't inflict such utter and total pain on everyone that loves you. A suicide attempt hurts everyone - to downplay the events is just ignorance and an attempt to avoid the guilt from putting someone in that position in the first place. My psychiatrist told us in the hospital that a suicide attempt is a scream for help and that's what I was doing in my head - screaming.
What is even worse is having someone actually say that "if you really wanted to kill yourself, you would have done it". That truly floored me. I guess I was a failure at marriage AND at suicide in this person's eyes. Good thing that their opinions matter about as much as a gnat fart in the big scheme of things.
Wow - I certainly didn't expect to get so long winded or dredge this up again this late in the evening. But that caller today really touched me and I felt completely compelled to write this all down. I can't undo the past but I can learn from it. Suicide is not the answer - never is and never will be. I have put my faith in God and trust Him to get me through the tough times. He is the One that will never back out from his promises unlike some mortals that I know.
May God Bless You.
The overwhelming sensation I felt that day in May was that I just could not take it anymore. You already see things in shades of black with no light, no hope on the horizon and something finally happens to make your mind snap. You see what you are doing - you know what you are doing - but you just cannot stop. All you want to do is get out - leave and never come back. There is no thought of the future - hell at that point, you feel like there is no future. Your pain and despair is so consuming that you can't think of anyone else - not your parents, your kids, nothing. All you can think of is to do something to stop the pain.
In my case it was my 2nd marriage falling apart. Same issues as the first - husband unsatisfied and on the prowl for someone else which in the case of marriage #2, he had already hooked up with someone else at least once. Forget about blaming him - I blamed myself. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I keep a husband from straying? Why was I such a failure? What did I do to cause someone who pledged to God to love me forever betray me so deeply? The overwhelming sense of despair and failure was just pushing down so hard on me that I couldn't breathe. Even now just rehashing the event makes my breathing labored and my pulse race. Until you have experience that moment - that one moment where you feel that you have nothing to live for and no reason to stay on this earth - you cannot begin to imagine the horrendous pain and desperation. I hurt all the way down into my soul.
It didn't help matters much that TheColdOne ran from the house like a coward after he dropped the "I don't love you" bombshell on me. He left me alone in the house - a house full of guns, knives etc- because he could not face my parents who were on their way to pick me up. What kind of man, or should I say "pseudo-man" does that? Unfortunately I found out later that this is how TheColdOne handles confrontations regarding his wrongdoings - run away like a big old chicken when the heat gets too hot. Throw up your hands and just walk away - shut the door and move on to the next one. Wow - what a guy. No wonder I was wife #4.
When I was alone in our bedroom, I started tearing through the drawers looking for something sharp. We were a hunting household so there was always a sharp knife nearby - except this time. I used to call it luck, but now I know it was God - this time there was only 1 old knife in the bedroom and it was extremely dull. That didn't stop me completely though. I just kept sawing away at my wrists with the dull knife trying to get the screaming in my head to stop. When blood starting seeping through the cut, it was like getting doused with ice cold water. I dropped the knife and got hysterical - what the hell was I doing?? I picked up the phone and called my best friend who just happened to be a psychiatric nurse. She deftly picked up all the clues and kept me on the line while calling 911. When the deputies arrived, the screaming pain had given way to an onslaught of mental berating for being just so stupid.
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and then spent 1 night in the psychiatric hospital. TheColdOne decided that he still loved me - at least while all my family was sitting beside him in the waiting room at the ER shooting daggers at him with their eyes. I had actually already made arrangements with my Mom to take my daughter home with her as I was planning on moving out of our house. It wasn't until TheColdOne came into the ER cubicle where I was with tears in his eyes that I decided to stay with him.
Flash forward to January 8, 2009 when TheColdOne decided once again that he didn't want to be married. This time he left me alone in the house with a loaded pistol in plain site after his announcement. Fortunately I didn't remember the pistol and took off upstairs after he left the house. It was a freakin' replay of May 2002 except this time I found a semi-sharp knife. It only took 1 slash down my arm to lay my wrist open. God was watching over me and brought pictures of my grandkids, children and parents to my eyes before I could really do any damage. The thought of hurting them was enough to wake me up from my craziness and stop what I was doing. This time I stopped the bleeding, bandaged my wrist, threw the bloody rag in the bottom of my closet and changed my shirt so the sleeves covered my wrists. I saw the pistol when I came back downstairs and hid it in the spare bedroom upstairs. There was no thought of hurting myself - just protecting myself. After all, paranoia is another fun little effect of depression.
There have been no further instances or even thoughts of suicide since that day in January. Whenever I even think about the dreadful events from May 2002, I immediately get images of my parents and my kids and how much I hurt them. To this day, that brings tears to my eyes. I remember my daughter crawling into the hospital bed with me, crying "don't leave me momma". SIGH...
I am much stronger for going through both of those trials in my life. I am still embarrassed at my weakness and at losing such utter control. But what is really sad is when someone claims that your suicide attempt was simply a stunt or attention seeking act. How in the world could any rational person think something like that? And why would they be so cruel to even utter it outloud? Especially after going through therapy with you. There are a lot of other ways to get attention that don't inflict such utter and total pain on everyone that loves you. A suicide attempt hurts everyone - to downplay the events is just ignorance and an attempt to avoid the guilt from putting someone in that position in the first place. My psychiatrist told us in the hospital that a suicide attempt is a scream for help and that's what I was doing in my head - screaming.
What is even worse is having someone actually say that "if you really wanted to kill yourself, you would have done it". That truly floored me. I guess I was a failure at marriage AND at suicide in this person's eyes. Good thing that their opinions matter about as much as a gnat fart in the big scheme of things.
Wow - I certainly didn't expect to get so long winded or dredge this up again this late in the evening. But that caller today really touched me and I felt completely compelled to write this all down. I can't undo the past but I can learn from it. Suicide is not the answer - never is and never will be. I have put my faith in God and trust Him to get me through the tough times. He is the One that will never back out from his promises unlike some mortals that I know.
May God Bless You.
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