My Dad always tells me that he has never seen God work in someone's life like He has worked in mine. It is humbling and scary at the same time but also gives me great comfort. It seems like whenever I am doubting myself or fretting over circumstances beyond my control I receive a "message" that reminds me to "let go and let God." Now don't think I have taken leave of my senses - it's not a "voice in my head" kind of thing. Let me explain...
Almost 1 year ago I was really fretting over whether or not to pursue a counterclaim in my divorce. Money was tight and it was obvious that TheColdOne was NOT going to negotiate a fair settlement. I was just about at the point where I wanted to throw in the towel and say "to Hell with it". Well I always listen to talk radio when I'm working. Glenn Beck at 9am, Rush at 12 then switch stations to catch Hannity at 3. On the day I was fixing to call it quits, I was tied up on the computer and didn't get a chance to change the radio station. Dave Ramsey's show came on - which I NEVER listen to - and the first caller was asking about her mortgage as it related to her pending divorce. The caller explained how her soon to be ex was forcing her to make a decision that she was not comfortable with just yet. Dave went into a mini-rant and told the caller to hang firm, do what was right for her and her family and ignore the "bully". Ding Ding Ding - a switch flipped in me - it was like Dave was talking right to me. Now some may call this a coincidence but I call it the hand of God.
Just a few days ago, I found myself fretting again over money. I had just finished my taxes and the final result showed I owed the federal government some money. My co-pays for MD appointments and medications had just gone up on Jan 1. I did have a second job for most of last year but that ended on January 1st when the agency finally got fully staffed. Not to mention that my oil needs changing in my car, my grocery bill has shot up since I was diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes and the coldest winter in years means a much higher electric bill. Yada Yada Yada - you know the story.
On the very day I found out that I couldn't cash in some of my accrued time off, I took a break from work and checked my personal email. I subscribe to a daily email devotional sent out by The Purpose Driven Life. I usually read them but lately had deleted them without reading. This day I opened up the top one in my inbox. What I read literally took my breath away... Here's how the text of the devotional began...
"God promises to meet all your financial needs, if you (1) ask him for help, (2) learn to be content, (3) practice giving in faith, (4) maintain your integrity and (5) trust him with your life."
Coincidence? I think not.
The very next paragraph made my heart beat a bit faster...
"Worry is really just a form of atheism. Every time you worry, you're acting like an atheist. You're saying 'It all depends on me'. That's just not in the Bible. Worry is a warning light that you doubt the love of God..."
Another coincidence? No way.
So the next time you are fretting - whether it be over money or any of the other myriad of things that pop up in your day to day life, remember these words from Matthew...
"...Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:32-33
In other words - just Let Go and Let God.
Blessings to you all.
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