Yesterday's Daily Hope with Rick Warren was about "Influential Thoughts" and how our thoughts influence our lives. Despite all my Bible studies and absolute love of Proverbs, I somehow missed this little verse...
"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts". Proverbs 4:23
Here's some snips from "Influential Thoughts" with some added insights from me...
"It's not what happens to me that matters as much as how I choose to see it." - This is certainly no joke. With all the changes in my life, I find that I am much more at ease when I look at the changes as an opportunity rather a roadblock. So I'm going through a divorce - well now I can do those things that I never got to do while I was married like go to the 9/12 March on Washington or the Restoring America Rally in DC. Diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes? - Hey there's my excuse to start eating healthy and getting in daily exercise. It's much healthier than stewing in your own bitter juices at the hand life has dealt you.
"Your beliefs influence your behavior" - If I believe that life is handing me a big old crap burger, then I'm gonna act like someone holding a big old crap burger. If I believe that God is in control and nothing happens without a reason, then I am free to let go of the worry and focus on the positive. It's much easier to laugh when you're not drowning in worry.
"You self-talk influences your self-esteem" - If there were physical signs from mentally "beating yourself up", I would be just one big old massive walking bruise. I know that I am hypercritical of myself and a thousand times more critical than I would be to a friend. I'm sure you've felt this before. Why do we treat others better than we treat ourselves? We hurt ourselves worse than any living being could ever damage us.
Remember there are several tricks to stopping the negative chatter in your head - anything from yelling "shut up" to proclaiming "get thee behind me Satan" to popping yourself with a strategically placed rubber band to distract your thinking. But I think that memorizing certain Bible verses is the best way to focus your thoughts - not only does it open your heart to God but it closes the door on Satan. Reciting or reading the Bible is to Satan what water is to the Wicked Witch of the West. It's just that we forget and let the flying monkeys take over our mind.
So find you a Bible verse that touches your heart and reminds you of how much God loves you. Post it everywhere and commit it to memory. Let it be your Kevlar vest against Satan.
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