Friday, April 16, 2010

Learning Life Lessons From A Squirrel

Whew! Who knew that single life would be so exhausting (in a good way)?  Between Easter, birthdays, weddings, working up a book proposal, etc. I've had little time to breath much less post on my blogs.  But rest assured, I'm still here and still fighting.

Here's a perfect example of what life lessons you need to remember when going through a divorce - courtesy of some squirrels raiding the bird feeder in my back yard this week...

Set your goals and reach for what you want.  Sure it may have you over-extended but getting the prize is certainly worth it!

Life may twist you up in knots and leave you hanging by your toenails, but don't stop reaching for what you want.  Sometimes the "fight" makes it even more sweet.

Don't be afraid to call on friends to help you get through this time in your life.  A friend will bail you out of jail - a true friend will be sitting next to you in the cell saying "damn that was fun!"

And when all else fails, stare straight at your problems (or problem person) and say "F*$& You and The Horse You Rode in On"! It doesn't solve the issue but it sure makes you feel better!

Look for life's lessons in the simple things - it's amazing what you can learn from watching nature!
God Bless You!

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